After a long workday, it can be tempting to unwind with Instagram and your latest Netflix binge. However, this doesn't truly relax your brain or nourish your soul. Instead, try these five easy activities to lead a more peaceful evening and promote overall well-being.

1. Put Your Comfy Clothes On Switching into comfortable clothes automatically signals to your brain that the workday is over. This simple act helps you fully unwind and relax, setting the tone for a restful evening.

2. Put the Phone Away Give your eyes a break and unplug by setting your phone to silent. This not only reduces screen time but also promotes healthy sleep habits. The blue light from your phone can trick your brain into thinking it's still daylight, making it harder for you to feel sleepy.

3. Limit TV Time The average person spends about five hours a day watching television, which adds up to 35 hours a week! Instead, limit your TV time to an hour each night. Use the additional time to read a book or pursue a hobby, activities that can be more enriching and relaxing.

4. Take a Walk Studies show that walking can contribute to better mental health, aid in joint mobility, and enhance digestion. Plus, it's incredibly therapeutic to be out in nature after spending all day inside an office. A short walk can do wonders for your mood and overall well-being.

5. Try a Warm, Healing Drink Golden milk, also known as turmeric tea, combines the benefits of turmeric with other healthy ingredients like coconut milk and black pepper. Traditionally used in ancient Chinese medicine, this warm drink is thought to possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. Sip on this soothing beverage to relax and nourish your body.

Incorporate these simple yet effective activities into your daily routine to create a more peaceful and balanced evening.

Luna Sundara